What is even happening?
It’s pretty straightforward. Zip tie the trigger down, screw some wheels on somewhere, and put it on the track. First tool across the finish line without burning out or flying apart wins. The finish line is 50 feet away, and nothing about this has anything to do with the manufacturer’s specification. As long as your racer fits on the track, can run on a 15A circuit, and won’t injure everyone in the immediate vicinity, you can do whatever you like.
There’s a sense of purpose and a thrill when you feel your zip tie get tight on the trigger of a power tool. This summer, you are invited to indulge in your wildest, most deranged impulses in a hot parking lot away from prying eyes. Check out the Events page for upcoming races and get-togethers!
So are there, like, rules?
Track is 1 foot wide with a 2×4 on edge on either side. Track details here.
Information related to building racers is here.
The most basic power tool racer is just a belt sander with the trigger zip tied down, but there are almost limitless ways to get a tool to hurl itself down the track. Have fun with it! Does the idea of a convoluted chain of ridiculous gears and pulleys get you grinning? Does spray-bombing a highly-dangerous contraption hot pink with lightning bolts seem hilarious? It’ll probably be hilarious to other folks too, and we want to see it!
Typically you’re going to need a power/propulsion source, some wheels, and a chassis to attach those things to. If you have a terrible idea for how those things should come together, you should bring it. You can attach whatever you want to the output shaft of your racer, but any electric motors must stay in the housings that they came in. We’re not trying to build RC cars. On that note, RC car parts make things boring, so just don’t.
For a great video on building and racing, check out what Bre Pettis put together.